Tripurā tallikā


At Tripurā Tallikā, we dedicate countless hours to creating and sharing high-quality, accessible resources on Śrīvidyā for practitioners around the world. Our work, offered free of charge, relies on the generous support of our community. Your donations enable us to continue this vital service, bridging ancient wisdom with modern practice and enriching the spiritual journey of countless individuals. Support us today and become part of a global movement to preserve and revitalize the profound teachings of the Śrīvidyā tradition.

tripurā tallikā

Support the Journey of Wisdom

At Tripurā Tallikā, we are dedicated to serving Śrīvidyā practitioners by providing high-quality, well-researched projects and publications. Our mission is to make the rich history, doctrines, and practices of Śrīvidyā accessible to all, ensuring that no one is barred from this wisdom due to economic barriers. Every piece of work we create is crafted with the practitioner in mind, aiming to bridge the gap between ancient knowledge and contemporary practice, and to inspire a deeper engagement with this profound tradition.

Creating this work requires countless hours and an unwavering dedication to excellence. It is only through the generosity of our supporters that we can continue to offer our publications for free and reach practitioners worldwide, fostering a greater understanding and appreciation of Śrīvidyā. Your support is crucial—it enables us not only to maintain the quality and accessibility of our resources but also to continue revitalizing interest in a tradition that enriches our understanding of the world.

Join us in this noble endeavor to keep the flame of Śrīvidyā burning bright. Donate today and be part of a community committed to wisdom, excellence, and responsibility. Every contribution, large or small, makes a significant difference.

About Donations:

Tripurā Tallikā operates under the charter of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization Lalita Chandika Temple (LCT). This arrangement fulfills the administrative needs of our organization, allowing us to concentrate our efforts fully on fulfilling our mission and producing quality projects.

When you click the button below, the donation page on PayPal will specify that the donation is being made to Lalita Chandika Temple whom we operate under. Your payment confirmation/bank statement will also read Lalita Chandika Temple.

All donations made through this link go exclusively to the projects of Tripurā Tallikā.