In the fifteenth verse of his Cidvilāsastava (‘Hymn to the Play of Consciousness’), Amṛtānanda teaches about the deeper aspects of nyāsa (installtation of mantras) as follows):
एवमात्मनि चतुष्कलामये सर्वतत्त्वसमवायलक्षणे ।
न्यासमाहुरिह वैखरीतिवाग्वृत्तितः समविशेषभावनम् ॥ १५ ॥
evam ātmani catuṣkalāmaye sarvatattvasamavāyalakṣaṇe |
nyāsam āhur iha vaikharītivāgvṛttitaḥ samaviśeṣabhāvanam || 15 ||
“In the same way, here we teach the installation [of mantras on the body] based on the activity of speech that is “articulated” to be the universal and distinct contemplation of the Self identified with the collection of all the principles of reality and endowed with four aspects.” (translation by Ben Williams)