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E-texts may not, under any circumstances, be copied, republished, reproduced, distributed or sold, either in original or altered form, without the express permission of Tripurā Tallikā in writing. Disclaimer: Etexts are prepared by the Tripurā Tallikā team as a service to scholars, practitioners, and the international Śrīvidyā community and may contain typos, errors, and other mistakes. Every effort has been made to present the most accurate transcriptions possible, without emendation (diplomatic transcription), from the source materials into the International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration (IAST). Author: Śivānanda Title: Saubhāgyahṛdayastotram Source: Dwiveda, Vrajavallabha (ed). Nityāṣoḍaśikārṇavaḥ: Śivānandakṛtayā ṛjuvimarśinyā Vidyānandakṛtayā Artharatnāvalyā ca Saṃvalitaḥ. 2. Saṃskaraṇam. Vārāṇasyām: Sampūrṇānanda-Saṃskṛta-Viśvavidyālayaḥ. pp. 304-305. 1985. Description: The Saubhāgyahṛdayastotra is one of the earliest devotional hymns to the goddess Tripurasundarī from the Śrīvidyā tradition. Composed by South India’s foundational Śrīvidyā commentator, Śivānanda (fl. c. 1225-1275), this rare hymn praises the goddess Tripurasundarī in fourteen verses that identify her with the highest principles of reality, as well as permeating the entirety of creation with radiant bliss. Filled with foundational Śaiva doctrine, esoteric kuṇḍalinī practices, deep contemplation, and praise, the Saubhāgyahṛdayastotra presents a complete picture of the majestic and alluring nature of the all-auspicious and sublime goddess, Tripurasundarī. Dwiveda, page 304 saubhāgyahṛdayastotram Śivānandamuniviracitam tanmahaḥ paramaṃ naumi kṛtyaiḥ pañcabhiraṅkitam | aśeṣaviśvābhedātma pūrṇāhantātmakaṃ śivam ||1|| tridhā vibhaktaṃ yadvastu stotṛstutyastutikramāt | ekasmai mahase tasmai namaḥ sakalacakṣuṣe ||2|| smarāmi tāṃ parāṃ vācaṃ paśyantyādikramāśrayām | nānāvidharasākārāṃ mahānubhavarūpiṇīm ||3|| deśakālapadārthātma yadyadvastu yathā yathā | tattadrūpeṇa yā bhāti tāṃ śraye sāṃvidīṃ kalām ||4|| mūlādibilaparyantaṃ mahātripurasundari | yā tanuste taḍitprakhyā tāṃ bhaje bhavaśātanīm ||5|| yonau kanakapuñjābhaṃ hrdi vidyucchaṭojjvalam | ājñāyāṃ candrasaṃkāśaṃ mahastava maheśvari ||6|| prasṛtāmṛtaraśmyaughasantarpitacarācarām | bhavāni bhavaśāntyai tvāṃ bhāvayāmyamṛteśvarīm ||7|| Dwiveda, page 305 varṇaḥ kalā padaṃ tattvaṃ mantro bhuvanameva ca | ityadhvaṣaṭkam deveśi bhāti tvayi cidātmani ||8|| anāśritādikālāgnirudrāntaṃ citramadbhutam | unmīlayasi mātastvaṃ prakāśavapuṣi tvayi ||9|| yadidaṃ bhāsate devi nāmarūpakriyātmakam | prakāśavapuṣi tvattastatsarvaṃ nātiricyate ||10|| netrādijālakopānte hṛtpadmāsanalīlayā | vāraṃ vāraṃ tvayā devi rūpādimadhu sevyate ||11|| saṃviddevyaḥ samākramya viṣayānamṛtāsavān | yogināṃ preṣayantyārye tvatpūjārthaṃ hi sarvadā ||12|| saubhāgyahṛdayaṃ guhyaṃ śivānandena yoginā | samārādhanapūrtyarthaṃ stutaṃ sakalakāmadam ||13|| iti viracitametat traipuraṃ stotramāptaṃ prakaṭitaparamārthaṃ yogivaryopajuṣṭam | sakaladuritarogadhvaṃsanānanyakāryaṃ pratiyajanavidhānaṃ sevyatāṃ bhaktiyuktaiḥ ||14|| iti śivānandamuniviracitaṃ saubhāgyahṛdayastotraṃ samāptam ||